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Did you know exposing your kids to the theatre can create more creative, empathetic humans, encourage growth and inspire their minds? Not to mention, you’ll feel like a rock star parent for finding such a clever way to combine fun and education. You, parenting genius, you! 😘
If you’re looking for a unique way to connect with your kids, then make sure to check out the family-friendly shows at The Carousel Theatre for Young People on Granville Island for your next family date night.
Check out the 2023/24 Carousel Theatre for Young People Season lineup below.

7 Benefits of Exposing Children to the Theatre
An Introduction to Different World Views
Social stories are proven to help kids understand the world and create empathy. The theatre provides a safe environment for kids to experiment with thoughts and other people’s ideas by giving a sneak peek into the lives and issues that matter to others.
Illuminate Our Sameness
The theatre can highlight how a group you’ve considered “other” from you is more like you than you previously knew.
Increase Communication Skills
An evening at the theatre can open the floor to delicate conversations within the family. We love to go for dinner or dessert and tea after each performance to discuss the takeaways from the show. From our experience, the conversations continue long after the evening is over. 💛
Conversation Starters
– What did you think the lesson or moral of the performance was? Do you agree with the messaging?
– Did you notice any themes from the performance in your real life?
– Were you confused by anything in the play?
– Who was your favourite character and why?
– Who was your least favourite character and why?
– What surprised you the most about the play?
– What costume was your favourite?
– Did you like the set? What did you like the most about it?
Encourage Self-Expression
The theatre has been called the art of the imagination. Exposing your kids to the theatre shows them what healthy self-expression can look like. Kids that can channel their energy into the arts are often more confident and have higher levels of resilience.
Increase Creativity
Immersing your children in environments full of creative people living creatively will be nothing short of inspiring. It can also show your child what types of opportunities are available in creative fields.
See themselves reflected back to themselves
As kids develop and begin defining themselves in the world, they need access to ways of thinking and acting that may not be reflected in their immediate family or social circles. The theatre can help children who feel “othered” feel less alone.
Helps to Nurture a Home Environment of Life-Long Learning
Making a habit of attending the theatre and having big conversations shows your child that you’re committed to being a student of life.
The Carousel Theatre for Young People even creates resource guides to accompany many of their performances. Using these tools can teach your child how to access information when they don’t have the answers and shows you aren’t afraid to do the same. Three cheers for lifelong learning!! 🎉

Our Experience with The Carousel Theatre for Young People
We had the opportunity to attend several shows during the 2021/2022 season at The Carousel Theatre for Young People. Not only did it become a much-anticipated adventure to break up our routines, but each performance opened up engaging conversations with my kids about the world and other people’s perspectives.
Last year’s shows helped us tackle topics like bullying, not making assumptions about others, gender identity, emotional regulation, self-awareness and more. This year’s lineup promises to be just as impressive.
Check out the 2023/24 Carousel Theatre for Young People Season lineup below.
I was incredibly grateful for the educator resources that The Carousel staff created to accompany the shows so that I could further my education on topics I don’t have much experience with.
For example, the educator resource from “Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls” was incredibly helpful as I continued my learning journey in sexual orientation, gender identity (SOGI) and Trans Advocacy.

Parenting Hack- Date Your Kids
As a family of five (including lots of introverts and “sensitive” types 😅), one of our best parenting hacks has been individual date nights with the kids, by dividing and conquering, we are honouring each other’s differences and better able to connect more deeply with each kid.
2023/2024 Carousel Theatre for Young People Shows
The Carousel Theatre for Young People works passionately to curate an educational and entertaining season to encourage growth and nourish creative souls.
Check out the family-friendly shows on Granville Island at The Carousel Theatre for Young People, here.

For more information and to purchase tickets, visit The Carousel Theatre for Young People’s website.
Have you attended any shows at The Carousel Theater for Young People? I’d love to hear about your experience.
About the Author

Christine lives on the West Coast of Canada with her husband, their three kids and approximately one million plant babies.
She is in the exploratory “In-Between” phase of rediscovering herself after being a stay-at-home mom for the last decade. She loves all adventures on the water or in the forest and connecting with other open-hearted, lifelong learners.
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