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Have you ever dreamt of running away and joining the circus instead of making one more dinner your kids will refuse to eat? Find out how West Coast Flying Trapeze helped this local mom overcome the depression of losing a parent, reignite her spark, land a dream part-time job, and get into the best shape of her life.

Meet Briony Geldeard
How old are your boys?
Jensen is 10 & Felix is 12.
When the boys were young, were you a stay-at-home mom, working or hybrid?
I stayed at home until both boys were in school, and I now work part-time from home during school hours and one night a week teaching at West Coast Flying Trapeze.

What did you do before having kids?
Before I had kids, we lived in the UK, and I was a Television Producer in London. I worked on quite a few different shows, the most well-known being Property Ladder, a home renovation show, and a couple of Jamie Oliver’s cooking shows.

Enter West Coast Flying Trapeze
How did you get into Trapeze?
Another Mom from school, Andrea, casually mentioned in conversation one day that there was a flying trapeze school opening in Pitt Meadows. I googled it as soon as I got home and messaged all my friends to see who wanted to come with me. I got a group of 4 together, and we booked a class. It was so much fun. I couldn’t wait to go back and do it again!
How long have you been doing circus school?
6 years
How did you make time in your family life to go?
My husband and I have always supported each other, having some free time to do our own thing. Obviously, it was harder when the kids were preschool age and younger. We don’t have any family nearby as my parents are both deceased, and my in-laws are in the UK. So I think this has made us a pretty tight family unit.
Before covid, we used to go to the circus school to hang out and train together as a family, which was really fun.

Have your kids ever given you a hard time for leaving to do your hobby? What did you tell them?
When I first started, I mainly went and did classes during the day when the kids were at school. But then they stopped those as they weren’t popular enough, and I got a part-time job during the day, so I didn’t have as much time to go. So now it’s strictly evenings or weekends.
My youngest does try and guilt trip me, but I say it’s Daddy time, as I get to spend so much more time with them than Daddy does. It’s nice for him to get special time with his boys.
When I’m home I show them the videos of what I did, so they don’t feel like they missed anything.

From One Mom To Another
What would you tell mothers who are looking for a hobby?
When life starts to feel repetitive and boring, like groundhog day, that means you’ve got enough space in your life to add a hobby.
Don’t be scared about trying something new on your own. The activity you choose will attract other like-minded people, and you can find your tribe (if you don’t already have one)
It doesn’t have to be a sport or fitness class, it could be learning a musical instrument, crochet, cookery, art classes etc.
It could be something that you do at home, but from my point of view, it’s great to get out of the house and meet some new people. People who know you by your own name, not just as “Felix’s Mom.”
– Briony Geldeard

From Hobby to Job
How did you end up working at West Coast Flying Trapeze?
After I did my first flying trapeze class, I started working out at West Coast Trapeze, doing a circus boot camp as a way to get fit. After having two kids, I was pretty out of shape. I had recently lost my father and found much to my surprise that exercise was really beneficial both physically and mentally.
When I started flying trapeze and aerial silks I discovered that doing scary things was an excellent way to reset my brain and really helped me cope with depression.
After about a year of going a few times a week, the school owner asked me if I would be interested in becoming a coach. I said I would, so he trained me in the things he wanted me to know about the school, and I completed a Gymnastics coaching course and First aid training.
After that, it was just a matter of actually teaching classes. I was nervous at first as it was very different from anything I’d done before, but I really enjoyed it. I particularly enjoy teaching kids, and I actually find my Mom skills come in very handy and make me a better coach as I understand how to handle the range of emotions kids bring to any situation.

What is your role at West Coast Flying Trapeze?
I’m primarily an Aerial Silks coach, but I also teach Flying trapeze. This weekend I’m actually taking a trampoline coaching course too. (yes, special underwear is required 🤣)
Do you still do trapeze as a hobby now that it’s a job?
Yes, I train flying trapeze twice a week and Aerial silks once a week for fun. Everyone who works at West Coast does it because they enjoy the discipline they teach and want to share it with other people.Â

Words to Live By
Finish this sentence… My life motto is?
“I’d rather regret something I did, than something I didn’t do.”
-Briony Geldeard
If you would like to connect with Briony and see more of her fabulous feats at West Coast Flying trapeze, you can follow along on Instagram.

Are You Ready To Join The Circus?
Circus Classes for All
West Coast Flying trapeze has classes for all ages from 3-103. They believe circus is for everyone and that there’s no better way to have some fun, get fit, join a community of active people, and amaze yourself with what you are capable of.
Their programs include aerial arts, handstands, ninja warrior, acro, and more. West Coast Flying Trapeze also offers spring break and summer camps for kids.

West Coast Flying Trapeze
For more information and West Coast Flying Trapeze class schedules, visit their website at
You can find them on Instagram here.
19055 Airport Way #105, Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2B4
Phone Number: 604-619-1212
Have you ever or would you try a circus class?
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About The Author

Christine lives on the West Coast of Canada with her husband, their three kids and approximately one million plant babies.
She is in the exploratory “In-Between” phase of rediscovering herself after being a stay-at-home mom for the last decade. She loves all adventures on the water or in the forest and connecting with other open-hearted, lifelong learners.
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