On the blog:

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Do you travel with your kids? Mine destroyed private property on our recent Whistler getaway. That was a fun end to the trip! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Let me back up a minute. Matt sweetly suggested we take his mom to Whistler to celebrate her birthday. I had also been saying I wanted to do a Whistler trip, so […]

Travelling with Kids, The Nightmare Version

a mother with three small children sit on a large swing on a farm

Motherhood, Travel

Motherhood, Wellness

self acceptance inspired by a tiny fashionista

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Since she was a tiny little thing⁣⁣, my Maddie Mae has been a fashionista.⁣⁣⁣She’s always had a knack for putting together outfits in wonderfully unique ways and then strutting around confidently in her choices. ⁣⁣⁣⁣Recently, on a pink tutu, glitter-riffic, floral bomber kind of day, her self-doubt made it feel impossible to get out of […]

Self-Acceptance Inspired by a Tiny Fashionista

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That is my first grey hair. Is that a milestone? Should I send it to my mom for a special place in my baby book? ⁣⁣⁣⁣I think no, but it does symbolize the beginning of a fascinating new chapter.⁣⁣You see, I’ve been over here having my” Eat, Pray, Love” moment, except mine was more cry, […]

Is Oversharing the New Mid-Life Crisis?

Is it a mid-life crisis or mid-life awakening?

Curious Living, Motherhood, Wellness


Mom's mental health depression and anxiety

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From diagnosis to living with depression and anxiety, Codi shares her story and how she’s managed to come to a truce with her mental health.

Mom’s Mental Health- Depression & Anxiety

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“Oh my OCD acts up so much when..”“Does anyone get OCD about their linen closet? I can’t stand when it’s messy”.“I am OCD about ________”. And here’s my personal favourite: “we should hold an OCD support meeting at our house! They’d clean the entire thing for us!”. Living with OCD Let me start off with […]

Mom’s Mental Health-OCD

mom's mental health-ocd



Christine Coughlin The In-Between

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Looking for Answers I don’t have a diagnosis. If I had to guess, I would say ADHD and High-Functioning Anxiety.  Each time I visit a doctor for help, they ask if there are times I can’t get out of bed for two weeks. When I say no, they offer me medication and send me on […]

Maternal Mental Health- ADHD & Anxiety

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⁣⁣Strong women have always complicated my life. Lesley Lambert and I struggled endlessly for control of our girl group when we were 12. My sister and I continue our power struggles to this day. I tormented my junior high best friend, Kelly, because she felt like a competition. ⁣⁣⁣⁣Kelly Fraser was beautiful inside and out. […]

Tale of a Reformed Mean Girl

photograph of a beautiful girl smiling at the camera surrounded by vintage clock faces

Motherhood, Relationships