Rise & Monetize Creators Summit


A Virtual Event for Moms!

A online event empowering creative moms to understand the power of having a platform and how to grow an engaged community.

Learn from industry experts how to use the power of digital marketing to create multiple income streams and achieve your dreams.




Learn How to Harness the Power of 
Digital Marketing to Achieve Your Dreams 

Uncover the Secrets that Brands & PR Agencies Want You to Know

For just $67
You get the full-day summit
and the bonus VIP Q&A session
with our speakers.  

10x Your Confidence & Uplevel Your Mindset



Get lifetime access

Access the Summit Here

Who is this for?

Does the word "Influencer make you gag a little? 

Me too! 🤷‍♀️

But guess what!? Everyone has a circle of influence, and putting yourself and your passions "out there" can open doors to opportunities that wouldn't have found you otherwise.

So, let's push past that discomfort and chase our dreams, shall we?

The Rise & Monetize Creators Summit is for you if:

You're a creative mom who needs an outlet.

You're a Content Creator who wants to up-level your output and make money to support your family. 

You don't know your end goal but want to increase your network and figure out what your capable of.
(Hello, Christine from 2019 😅)

You're a small business that wants to better understand digital marketing. 

You're a small business that wants to connect with content creators and creative moms. 

You crave more connection and need to find "Your" people. 

You're a Dreamer, A Creative, Connector, Artist, and Doer that knows an engaged community will support you in reaching your dreams. 

Get lifetime access

Get lifetime access to the summit here

Are you ready to Rise & Monetize?

Get lifetime access here

Our Speakers

Featuring Guest Co-Host

Kyla Getty

Surrounding yourself with other creative moms who are investing in themselves will accelerate your growth like nothing else.  


No-one is great at ALL the things, learn the tools successful creators use
to fill in the gaps and
up-level their output. 


Your story and dreams matter! We'll help you silence that voice that tells you otherwise.  If it's in your heart, we'll help you explore the possibilities. 


Gain confidence to navigate the Wild West of digital marketing. From influencers to small businesses we've got you covered. 



Get Life-time access

For just $67
You get the full-day summit and
the bonus VIP Q&A session
with our speakers.  

Tell me More!

here's what we're learning

Know your worth, set your rates & book deals

Creating your personal brand and the importance of owning
your platform. 

Social media marketing for service based entrepreneurs. 

Email marketing and having an owners mindset.

How to grow on Tik Tok as a content creator and business owner. 

The humans behind the lense, how to build confidence on camera
to create authentic connections and a loyal customer base.

The do's and don't of content creation. 

How to capture the attention of PR agencies and small businesses 

How to create win win collaborations to help you reach your goals. 

Our Speakers